Celeste Y., PhD
“One year ago I purchased my BEMER Professional device and at that time I had been suffering for about 6 months and was being treated for a completely frozen left shoulder, with intensive chiropractic and Korean Hung protocol acupuncture. Nothing would get my left arm and shoulder moving again and I was very unhappy about that. I discontinued these treatments as I wasn’t getting any relief and proceeded only with BEMER along with good nutrition and my favorite neutraceutical supplements.
Without having any expectations as to BEMER treating a specific disease or condition, just knowing that it would be good for my overall microcirculatory system, I proceeded with the basic plan and moved into the sleep system as directed. One morning at about month four of consistent BEMER use, I woke up and without even thinking about what I was doing, stretched both arms up over my head and yawned. I suddenly realized my left shoulder was completely healed. Was it a miracle…not at all…it was just the amazing BEMER device doing exactly as it says it will do…help the body to heal itself. I can honestly say that that condition is gone and I am back to full mobility and pain free.
I am 100% devoted to my “Prime Directive” of daily and nightly BEMER use and also committed to sharing BEMER globally . I believe that this is how we can all, as we said on Star Trek, Live Long and prosper!”