Improve your microcirculation with 30%
The heart is an important organ for your body. However, your blood circulation is the only means to provide your body cells with nutrients and oxygen. Also the disposal of waste products takes place in your blood stream. In order to remain healthy and to optimally take care of our body, an optimal microcirculation is of great importance.
Is the heart the only pump?
The heart is an important organ for your body. Your blood flow however, is the only means to provide your body cells with nutrients and oxygen. Also the waste drop off takes place in your blood stream. In order to remain healthy and to optimally take care of your body, an optimal microcirculation is of great importance. Only the microcirculation provides organs and tissue cells with an optimal functioning. Through this, the self regenerating power of the body guards our health, well-being and performance ability.
How do we reach our smallest blood vessels?
The body accomplishes this through its own ingenious pumping mechanism called vasomotion, that is not directly done by the heart, but by the muscle cell wall around the blood vessels.
Via the large arteries, the blood finally arrives in the smallest blood vessels of the body, the so-called arterioles (smallest arteries), capillaries and venules.
Of course: the better the blood flow of your tissues, the more your cells are provided with oxygen and the necessary nutrients. That subsequently produces cell energy (ATP), better known as the ‘fuel’ for your cells. The removal of carbon dioxide (CO2) and metabolic waste products, is optimised through a good blood circulation. But only when the capillaries are also being reached and propel the blood cells at a desirable pace.
Within your total vascular system, above mentioned processes take place in the area of the microcirculation. That area is ten thousands of kilometres long! And before “the medical eye” invisible and hardly manipulable area covers 74% of your complete vascular system. That area is so small (about 7 times smaller than the diameter of a hair!) that it only can be made visible exclusively by microscopes used by, amongst others, the Institute for Micro Circulation in Berlin.
Where does it go wrong?
Due to external and internal factors like stress, lack of physical movement, insufficient high-quality food, bad intake or reception of vitamins and minerals, environmental pollution, lack of sleep, injuries or accidents, the muscle cell function (vasomotion) around the blood vessels can deteriorate.
And this vasomotion specifically takes care of the pumping around of the blood up to the smallest blood vessels. Even in the smallest area, invisible to the human eye, of your vascular system, the most important processes have to take place in order for you to remain healthy or recuperate your health.
What happens to a body with an inadequate vasomotion,
you can see in the unique surveying of the capillary activity in the intestinal mucosa below:
At first it is clear that the muscle cells are pumping the blood insufficiently in the direction of the capillaries. White blood cells cannot perform their function because they are unable to slide down the cell wall. The resulting congestion causes diminished delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the cells, together with an inadequate disposal of waste products.
What are the consequences of a poor functioning of the microcirculation?
In all the capillaries of our body (covering 74% of our vascular system), we need an optimal transmission of oxygen and nutrients, properly functioning white blood cells and a continuous disposal of waste products.
It is fact that even when we regularly do sports, have little stress and eat high quality food, the deterioration of the functioning of our micro vascular system cannot be halted. Even a top sportsman who lives under favourable conditions, is able to optimise the vasomotion and microcirculation in his body to a maximum of only 9%.
At the Institute for Micro Circulation, Dr Klopp has shown that even young people who are seemingly healthy and free of physical complaints, can build up a disturbance in their microcirculation. The first disruptions appear at micro cell level, leading to consequences at macro level. Some illnesses are accumulated at micro level, without you noticing it at macro level. Sometimes it takes years to show up in tiredness, sleep problems and pains, resulting in illnesses such diabetes, rheumatism, allergies, burnout, skin diseases and heart failure.
How to improve your microcirculation with 30%?
In the last decades, Bemer Liechtenstein, in cooperation with the Institute for Micro Circulation and Dr Klopp, has developed a unique multi-dimensional electromagnetic signal. Only this patented signal can be used for physical vascular therapy. The pulses are recognized by the muscle cells and activate them in such a way that the microcirculation will be restored up to a 30%. After a treatment of 8 minutes, the pulses (signal) remain active for about 14 hours. The BEMER signal is the only existing electromagnetic signal in the world that restores the microcirculation of persons and animals up to a 30%.
Improvement of the blood circulation within 8 minutes
BEMER physical vascular therapy improves the microcirculation and stimulates the blood flow of even the smallest blood vessels. A better blood circulation increases the efficiency of the body cells, diminishes pain and has a favourable effect on the self-healing power of the body.